New from my studio

I started a 90 day challenge for myself at the beginning of June to motivate myself to get healthier but also to jump start some creative ideas I’ve been fooling around with. I have about 4 children’s books in the works, a coloring book, a bunch of poems and I’m trying to get my illustration portfolio together. And oh yeah, I sell some of my work online, too, and I want to streamline that. Small things, no worries, right? Ha!

Some people suffer from lack of ideas but I think I suffer from too many. I am easily distracted, easily pulled away from what I’m working on to work on something else. The Energizer Bunny has nothing on me some days…

Anyway, here are some of the drawings and watercolors I’ve been working on.

I’ve been playing a lot with ink and watercolor so have been experimenting with shells again

008I’ve also been playing around with some pairings of inside and outside of different kinds of shells like these mussels….

023and this quahog

035I pick up a lot of feathers along the beach and wanted to try my hand at some of those. This one is a hawk wing feather from my own backyard…

029While these are gull feathers

010Right now I’m about 21 days into this 90 day challenge and if nothing else, it has gotten me drawing and painting daily again!

You can find these for sale at my Etsy Shop, Mary Richmond Design.






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