Waiting for spring….

These sunny afternoons are stretching longer each day and making me long for spring…and yes, I know that spring is a tentative and shy season around here.

It is in February though that we start to see, hear and smell the first signs of spring…

Red-winged blackbirds are beginning to arrive. Their red epaulets are not as evident as they will be later on…

Song sparrows are beginning to think about claiming their territories…

Witch hazel is in bloom in many areas, a sure sign of late February…

There are other signs as well. Skunks are on the move, robins are returning (you can tell them from the more robust winter robins from up north because they are smaller and look tired and worn) and even the leaves of the mayflowers are looking fresh and renewed..

So sure, there’s yet another storm forecast for this weekend but we can keep finding signs of spring in spite of the snow and ice…